There are numerous benefits that come with membership in Athens-ASALH. 

Individual membership benefits include 1) free digital subscription to all publications (Journal of African American History, Black History Bulletin, Fire!!!: The Multimedia Journal of Black Studies.), 2)discounts on annual conference registration fees, 3) one vote at each year’s Executive Council election, 4) an ability to post your books to the ASALH Bookshelf and to post news, events, and job to the ASALH Community Board for free, 4) an ability to present at the annual conference and to participate in the author’s book signing event at the annual conference.

Becoming a member in good standing of

ATHENS-ASALH is an easy two-step process.

 1)      First, you must join the national organization.  Go to National ASALH Website

To join online, click “BECOME A MEMBER

To join by mail, download a membership form and follow the

Annual dues are $95 (regular), $65 (seniors), and $55 (students).

          2)  Second, you must join the ATHENS-ASALH
Branch.  Contact our Treasurer and follow the instructions for submissions.  Annual dues are $25 (regular and seniors) and $10 (students).

We welcome institutional members: academic departments, community organizations, churches, and schools. Benefits you receive include 1) two sets of the Black History Month kit, 2) two print and digital annual subscriptions to Black History Bulletin, 3) two print and digital annual subscriptions to the Journal of African American History, and 4) all the same benefits that individual members receive. To join as an institutional member, visit the national website page that says “BECOME AN INSTITUTIONAL MEMBER” and follow the instructions.